
application/pdfAre Work and Schooling Complementary or CompetitiveAre Work and Schooling Complementary or Competitive for Children in Rural Ethiopia? 09/12/2013415KB
application/pdfAIDS Widower Now Able to Feed and Educate her 8 ChildrenA case study of Shewawork Neji who is a widow with eight children. Shewawork is one of the beneficiaries of ENGINE's project. The project provided her 12 vaccinated chickens of an improved breed and assisted her in planting a homestead vegetable garden. Shewawork learned to mix ingredients to make a homemade chicken feed and other management techniques to support her chickens when egg-laying production is low. 01/06/2015341KB
application/pdfA Study on Child Protection Mechanisms in EthiopiaChild and Family Support Services (CAFSS)09/12/2013568KB
application/pdf Case Study of Fatuma Mussa Afar Region, Ethiopia June 2013Fatuma Mussa is living on the side of the highway connecting Djibouti to Semera town in Afar region lives with her husband and her son Mohammed Issey in their dome-shaped hut. The village where Fatuma lives is severely affected by shortage of water which has forced them to entirely depend on water trucking that is provided by government and non-government organizations like Save the Children.21/02/2014175KB
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