
application/pdfCase Study of Asmamaw Mekonnen Afar Region, Ethiopia 2013A teacher at Guya elementary school, Asmamaw Mekonnen has also servedas a principal at this school for the last two years. Water has been a scarce resource in the community of Guya Village in the Afar Region which has also impacted children’s access to education.19/02/201462KB
application/pdfCase Study of Fatuma Wase Afar Region, Ethiopia June 2013The only girl among her four younger brothers, Fatuma is in grade two at Buldgum (Wuha Limat) elementary school in Afar Region. Water has been a scarce resource in the community including the school.21/02/2014176KB
application/pdfCase Study of Gidey Nigus Tigray Region, Ethiopia Dec 2013Gidey Nigus, 26, is a mother of two boys and lives in the small rural village called Maicheka, in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. She is a member of the School Parent and Teachers Association (PTA).18/02/2014185KB
application/pdfCase Study of Abeba Tesfay Tigray Region, Ethiopia Dec 2013Abeba Tesfay mother of six children is 37 years old. She lives in Maicheka village in Tigray region of Ethiopia with her five boys. All of her five boys are currently enrolled in Maicheka primary school whereas the oldest son goes to Mekele to attend his high school education.17/02/2014185KB
application/pdfCase Study of Abadit Abreha Tigray region, Ethiopia Dec 2013Abadit Abreha is a student in grade seven at Maicheka full cycle elementary school in Tigray region of Ethiopia. She is an active member of the school Health and Nutrition club that was established and supported by Save the Children.17/02/2014188KB
application/pdfCase Study of Kinfu Yitbarek Tigray Region, Ethiopia 2013Kinfu Yitbarek father of five children, four boys and one girl lives in a small rural village called Maicheka in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.18/02/2014190KB
application/pdfCase Study of Mulu Berhan Tigray Region, Ethiopia Dec 2013Mulu Berhan, 26, is a teacher and acting school principal at Dongolat first cycle elementary school in Dongolat village, of the Tigray region. Mulu has been teaching in this school for the last four years.18/02/2014192KB
application/pdfCase Study of Bayray Tesfay Tigray Region, Ethiopia Dec 2013Bayray Tesfay married and father of three children lives in a small rural town called Dongolat which is located on the main highway that connects Amhara to Tigray region of Ethiopia.17/02/2014193KB
application/pdfCase Study of Alganesh Milash Tigray Region, Ethiopia Alganesh Milash, 41, is a widow and mother of six children (three boys and three girls). They live in the small rural village called Beati-aqhor, in the Kilte-awlaelo district of the Tigray region, Ethiopia.17/02/2014193KB
application/pdfCase study of Ello Leli, SNNPR, Ethiopia, December 2014Ello is a 15 years old girl attending in the 7th grade of Dimeka Primary School in Hamer Woreda. She is one of the girls who have got the opportunity to attend primary school in the area.. She. Before she came to Dimeka she used to live in Lala village with her parents and she has attended her school up to third grade.15/07/2015203KB
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