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Research & Reports

This report summarizes and compares the results of Growth through Nutrition’s annual Most Vulnerable Household (MVHH) Surveys from 2017 and 2018. These surveys are conducted to assess the changes brought about by project interventions...

This presentation provides an overview of Growth through Nutrition’s social and behavior change communication strategy for the first 1,000 days of maternal and child nutrition and adolescent girl nutrition. It describes the process of...

This document describes Growth through Nutrition’s social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy for adolescent girls’ nutrition. It outlines priority interventions, actors, and audiences, facilitators and barriers for...

This document presents an overarching strategy for the implementation of Growth through Nutrition’s SBCC programming. It draws from the strategy that guided the work of Growth through Nutrition’s predecessor– the USAID/ Empowering the New...

The purpose of this new research is to contribute to the development of strategic communication interventions, alongside non-communication interventions, to help improve adolescent girls’ nutrition outcomes. Specifically, the findings and...

Protracted crises resulting from prolonged conflict, recurring drought, and natural hazards, as well as cycles of displacement characterize several parts of the Horn of Africa (HoA). The scale of crises, stretched resources and the need to support...

Feed the Future Ethiopia Growth through Nutrition Activity, as part of learning from its forerunner project ENGINE, hired consultants to undertake an assessment on the performance of ENGINE’s Backyard Improved/Local Chicken Performance,...

This Growth through Nutrition policy brief summarizes research assessing the links between agricultural production, commercialization, markets, gender, and household diet diversity and discusses resulting policy recommendations.

This report summarizes the agro-ecology specific livelihood/agriculture packages developed under Growth through Nutrition Activity, based on the relevant literature and experience from Growth through Nutrition’s predecessor, USAID ENGINE.

This Growth through Nutrition brief summarizes key findings on maternal nutrition and health indictors from the ENGINE Birth Cohort Study, along with policy and future research recommendations.