Australian Ambassador Commends Save the Children Project in Gondar

Friday 10 June 2016

The Australian Ambassador to Ethiopia, His Excellency Mark Sawers, has applauded Save the Children’s ‘Improving maternal and child health (MNCH) project’ in Wogera, Dabat and Debark districts of North Gonder Zone in Amhara Regional State. The Australian Government funds the four-year health and child protection project that benefits approximately 240,000 people through improved access to quality health care.  In addition community-based child protection committees supported by the project have been instrumental in cancelling nearly 1,000 early marriages.

Ambassador Sawers visiting a project-constructed and supported maternity waiting facility and the maternity ward at the Amba-Giorgis health center.

After visiting the health center the Ambassador went to the Kosoye health post, where discussions with various people involved in the project including government officials, mother support groups, health development army members, community child protection taskforces, and radio listening groups highlighted some of the successes of the project.

Zeleke Adugna facilitates the father radio listening group in his community and was one of the community members who met Ambassador Sawers. Zeleke is married with five kids. He is very happy to be part of the project as he has contributed in bringing behavioral change towards for health seeking behavior among the community.  Specifically, the radio program helped the community to understand the importance of institutional delivery, family planning, and girls education. He even convinced his wife to use contraceptives to help them to plan their family size.  Zeleke said that “Before the start of the program, we didn’t give much attention to sending children to school, especially girls.  Now the community understands its importance and we have started sending our children to school”. He added “I want to see all the Woredas benefit from the project and urge you to scale-up the project in the all woredas in the North Gondar Zone”.

Zeleke Adugna with his father radio listening group members

Ambassador Sawers also toured the Gonder University Fistula Center and spoke with the hospital senior management team.  This is also supported by Save the Children, specifically by identifying cases of fistula and prolapsed uterus in communities to make referrals to the Center.

During his visit Ambassador Sawers said it is very impressive to see the active involvement of the community in the project, which will have an impact on the success of the project, particularly behavior change. The community participation will also play a major role in the sustainability of the project outcomes after it is phased out. “I am very happy to see the enthusiasm of the community towards the project and mobilize the government officials and community to have a discussion with me on Sunday.  I can report back that this project has used Australian funds well.”

Partial view of the community who had discussion with the Ambassador