Coming to school with no fear: Yanet’s Story

Friday 29 September 2023

Yanet* is a 14-year-old- girl who is a 6th grader in Sidama Region. Yanet is one of the 2,374 children benefiting from Save the Children’s Global Partnership for Education (GPE) school feeding program at her primary school. When we asked her about the food, she had a huge smile on her face and said, "I just love the food they serve at school! But my absolute favorite is Kinche. I can't get enough of it, seriously!" 

‘Having meals at school is super important, especially for us students. It keeps us energized and focused throughout the day, and it helps us avoid missing school just to find work or because we are hungry. There used to be times when we went to school on empty stomachs, and it was tough. But ever since we started getting meals at school, everything has changed for the better. ‘ Yanet was beaming with pride as she shared that she and her classmates were now happier, more attentive in class, and even had better grades! 

Over the past two years, Save the Children's GPE program has been  providing the school Borcha Woreda, Sidama Region with vital resources to 2,374 students, including a school feeding program and scholastic materials.  

On top of our school feeding support, Save the Children's provision of sanitary pads and related products has made a significant impact on female students' ability to attend school without interruption during their menstrual cycle. Yanet said,  "The support we receive with sanitary pads and other products is truly life changing. Now, we can come to school without fear or worries. Having access to clean washrooms has made a huge difference in our lives.’